paediatric eye screening

Did you know your child should do an eye check every 6 months? Ensure their eye health with a thorough screening today!


$88 + GST

Why Is a Child Eye Screening Important?

Suitable for Kids Aged 6 Months to 12 Years.

Ensuring your child’s eye health is crucial for their overall development and learning. Many eye conditions can go unnoticed because children might not realize their vision is impaired. Regular eye screenings help detect issues early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

Common Eye Problems in Children

  • Myopia (Nearsightedness)
  • Astigmatism
  • Strabismus (Squint)
  • Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

What to expect during the advanced glaucoma screening:

Key components of the Paediatric Eye Screening by a qualified optometrist:

  • Visual Acuity & Refraction: Uses shapes and symbols for young children who can’t read alphabets.
  • Color Vision Test: Detects color vision defects.
  • Slit Lamp Examination: Examines the front part of the eye.
  • Retinal Photography: Captures detailed images of the retina.
  • Stereopsis / 3D Vision Test: Assesses depth perception.
  • Pupil Reaction Test: Checks the reaction of pupils to light.
  • Optometrist Consultation: Includes a professional assessment and an eye report.
  • Dilation if Necessary: Additional charges apply.

Things to take note of

  • Please bring your glasses during your appointment.
  • You are advised not to wear your contact lenses for the screening.

Terms and Conditions

  • Only valid for redemption at Thomson Specialists Woodleigh
  • Offer applies to immediate family members
  • Screenshot of Grabdriver app must be shown at appointment booking

Ready to start your eye journey? Book an appointment here.

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