20% Off Branded Progressives

Upgrade to premium vision with branded progressives that provide a wider field of distance and near vision, with better adaptation.

Why Update Your Prescription?

How long have you had your glasses? It may seem like your glasses are still working perfectly to correct your vision, but they probably aren’t. Prescriptions that are over a year old have a chance of not matching the changes our eyes have gone through over the past 12 months. If your glasses are over a year old, it’s likely that your eyes no longer match your prescription.

Are you over 40? As we age, it is natural for our vision to undergo changes. You might find yourself reaching for reading glasses when browsing your iPad or taking a little more time to adjust to different lighting conditions. These shifts in vision are common as we grow older, but what should we do about changes that are almost unnoticeable but might signal a deeper, more pressing issue?

What are Progressive Lenses?

Progressive lenses are multifocal lenses that correct your vision. “Multifocal” means they have more than one area of focus so you can see clearly at varying distances. They can help you see up-close tasks like reading, middle-distance tasks like watching TV and far-distance tasks like driving, all while wearing the same pair of glasses. Multifocal lenses and progressive lenses are the same thing.

The time it takes to get used to progressive lenses varies with each person. Some people may need only a week or so to become comfortable with these lenses.

Common signs to get new spectacles

  • Headaches
  • Squinting
  • Eye fatigue
  • Blurry vision

Things to take note of

  • Applicable to minimum spending of $500, for single vision or progressive lenses purchased.
  • Please bring your glasses during your appointment.
  • You are advised not to wear your contact lenses for the screening.

Terms and Conditions

  • Only valid via our home optical service, or at Yishun / Woodleigh
  • Redemption of comprehensive eye exam must be within 3 months of purchase date
  • Offer applies to immediate family members

Educational Eye A-Z Articles

Learn more about eye diseases and eyewear.

Comprehensive Eye Exam: Why It Is Important and What to Expect
Mednefits Malaysia
Managing Myopia Progression in Children
Glaucoma – Causes, Signs and Symptoms
Age-related Eye Problems

Comprehensive Eye Exams Why It Is Important and What To Expect Did you know some eye diseases such as glaucoma have no symptoms? Prioritizing your eye health is more crucial


Exclusive Eyewear and Eyecare Offers For Mednefits Malaysia Members Begin your Journey to Healthier Eyes with Eyeviser A comprehensive eye exam goes beyond just updating your prescription. It checks the


Why is it important to manage myopia progression in children? What are some ways to slow down myopia progression in children?


Learn more about Glaucoma. What are the causes, signs and symptoms of Glaucoma? What are some of the treatments available? Find an eye specialist.


What eye problems are associated with ageing? How can we counter age-related eye problems? Book a comprehensive eye exam with an eyecare professional.

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