Sunlight contains red, orange, yellow, green and blue light rays. Each of these individual rays have their respective energies and wavelengths.
Source: Points de Vue
Blue light is a colour in the visible light spectrum that can be seen by the human eye. Located at the beginning of the visible spectrum, it includes harmful blue-violet radiations (415-455 nm) as well as beneficial blue-turquoise radiations (465-495 nm), involved in normal metabolic functioning in humans.
Blue light is everywhere – it is not only present in sunlight, but also in artificial and man-made light. Most notably, the backlit displays of digital devices such as smartphones, computers and electronic notebooks, which are now used very frequently by people of all ages, emit significant amounts of blue light.
Being exposed to blue light in the daytime is crucial in the regulation of the circadian rhythm – the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. It also helps to boost alertness, aids memory and cognitive function and also elevates mood.
However, overexposure to blue light, especially late at night, has detrimental effects. Blue light emitted from smartphones and other digital devices can decrease contrast, leading to digital eye strain, leading to irritated or sore eyes, headaches, as well as difficulty focusing. Additionally, studies suggest that prolonged exposure to blue light over a period of time could lead to damaged retinal cells, which can increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Exposure to blue light right before sleeping at night also disrupts your natural sleep-wake cycle and hurts the quality of your sleep.
In today’s digital age, prolonged usage of electronic devices is becoming a norm in our daily lives. Most people spend at least 12 hours a day consuming some form of media, yet it only takes as little as two hours in front of a screen to cause digital eye strain. Additionally, nearly 60% of people use their smartphones right before and after bed.
As prolonged exposure to blue light is close to unavoidable for many, the following are ways to reduce your exposure to harmful blue light:
1) Blue light filters
A convenient, wallet-friendly and hassle-free way to reduce your blue light exposure while using electronic devices is to use blue light filters. These filters serve to prevent significant amounts of blue light from reaching your eyes without compromising on the visibility of the backlit display, and can be used for smartphones, tablets, and computer screens.
2) Blue light blocking/digital booster lenses
Did you know that there are two types of lenses that have been developed to reduce blue light transmission to the eye?
These lenses filter out blue light by blocking the transmission of a specific range of wavelengths and absorbing just the right amount of blue light. Blue light filters can either be built inside and incorporated into the lenses, or applied as an additional layer of coating on the lenses.
By blocking up to 50% of harmful blue light, our Signature Blue Light Protect lenses can help to protect your eyes without any colour distortions.
In addition to filtering out blue light, digital boosters also relax our eyes in front of digital screens, reducing digital eye strain through an additional power zone which provides greater comfort and focusing support.
Essilor’s Crizal Eyezen™: Lenses for Digitally Connected People
Available in both prescription glasses and non-prescription glasses, Crizal Eyezen filters out harmful blue light and helps you to see more comfortably regardless of the size of screens (including the smaller ones) and the distance between the screen and your eyes.
Source: Essilor SG
Essilor’s Crizal Eyezen™ boasts the following features:
3) Practise good eye health habits
Decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest by practising the 20-20-20 rule to relax your eyes. Maintain an appropriate distance between the digital screen and your eyes.
In addition, put your phone away at least 30 minutes before you sleep to prevent your sleep quality from being negatively affected. The longer the time you disconnect from your electronic devices before you sleep,